
“…Be courageous; be strong…”
I Corinthians 16:13
The mission of the Greater Emmanuel Temple of Grace’s Men’s Ministry Auxiliary is to provide men with the resources to develop Godly character and help equip them to influence their world for Christ. To fulfill this mission the Men’s Ministry Auxiliary offers the following programs and events:
Men’s Prayer Breakfast – The men of GETG gather once a month to seek guidance from the Lord. During this time of prayer, we petition God for our families, our church, the City of Durham, and our Nation as a whole. After prayer, the brothers gather for food, fellowship, and fun at a local restaurant. The Men’s Prayer Breakfast is crucial to developing strong bonds between the brothers and facilitating mentorship.
Annual Charlotte Hornets Basketball Game – The men of GETG travel to the Spectrum Arena in Charlotte North Carolina once a year to attend a Charlotte Hornets basketball game. We watch the game from an exclusive sky box which includes a buffet. This event is a time for Men both young and old to connect while watching some of the most talented athletes in the world.
Men’s Conference – The Men’s Conference is a weekend of service, seminars, and workshops designed to address the spiritual, mental, and physical health of the brothers and their families. We invite ministers, mental health providers, and other professionals (lawyers/accountants/doctors etc.) to provide insight to the brothers and their families that will strengthen their relationship with God and enhance their overall quality of life.
Bowling with the Brothers – The Men of GETG love a friendly night of competition! Bowling with the Brothers is a time for participants to show off their skill with the bowling ball.
Brother’s Keeper Outreach – As Men of God, we must be there to lift a brother up when he falls. In life, we may find ourselves battling addiction, legal trouble, or economic hardship. Brother’s Keeper Outreach is designed to confidentially and compassionately assist our brothers who are in need.
If you are interested in finding out more about any of these programs or events, please contact our Men’s Auxiliary contact person at [email protected]