
Singles Ministry

“…Live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord…”
1 Corinthians 7:32-35

It is our ministry to see singles growing spiritually, emotionally, and actively succeeding in every area of life. It is our goal to minister to both single adults attending church and to reach those single adults who are not currently attending church. We believe singles should be empowered and equipped to become fully devoted followers of Christ. It is important that we create a sense of belonging/acceptance as we encourage greater involvement within our congregation according to their gifts and talents. Ultimately discovering God’s purpose for our life while actively, passionately pursuing his calling. The Single Ministry Auxiliary offers the following programs and activities:

Sunday School – Monthly Single Class

Single Outings – Dinner Outings and Bowling, Scavenger Hunts, and other fun Activities

Evangelism Outreach – Support Evangelism Outreach programs

If you are interested in finding out more about any of these programs or events, please contact us at [email protected]